Dietary Diaries

The food inspired musings of a culinarily inclined nerd.

Location: Berkeley, California Bay Area, United States

Berkana signifies rebirth and new beginnings; I have found these in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Quoteables: "Meet me at Starbucks"

So, Peter and I were at the El Cerito Plaza (the one with three Starbucks in that one  plaza) when I remembered how Starbucks saturation is at the point  where there are places in downtown San Francisco where you can turn 360° and see three or four Starbucks. In fact, Starbucks has become a cancer upon the landscape; in many places, the café culture has become notably subdued on account of Starbucks putting local cafés out of business. Starbucks has no character– they're all clones; seen one, seen them all. I'd much prefer local cafés to cultivate their own character, to have local flavor. . . but I digress. . .

Upon walking in front of one of the three starbucks in El Cerito Grande plaza, Peter remarked:

"You know what? 'Meet me at Starbucks' is now totally meaningless."

BTW, there are 20 starbucks in the map below. That's only a handful of SF city blocks, folks!


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